P.E. and Sport Premium Funding
In March 2013, the government announced that it was to provide additional
funding to improve the provision of physical education (P.E.), school sport and
physical activity (P.E.S.S.P.A.) in primary schools in England, known as the
Primary P.E. & Sport Premium. This funding – provided jointly by the
Departments for Education, Health and Culture, Media and Sport – is allocated
directly to primary schools.
Allocation and spending of the P.E. and Sport Premium Funding
Each year we produce an action plan for how this money will be allocated to
raise standards and participation levels in physical activity throughout the
school. It is used so that:
School Partnerships: Sheringham Teaching School, GY7 cluster of schools.
If you would like a paper copy (free of charge) of any of the information on our school’s website please contact the school office.
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