

In our school, we value the integration and learning of other languages and cultures.
We do this in two ways; by celebrating and promoting other languages across the
school and by fostering pupils’ curiosity and interest in learning a new language and
enriching their educational, social and cultural experiences.

At St Nicholas Priory the delivery of Modern Foreign Languages helps our children
develop key speaking and listening skills and allows them to reflect in their own
culture and other cultures; embracing the multicultural society we currently live in.
Exposing our children to a new language at a young age, will transform attitudes
towards unfamiliar cultures and, possibly, inspire them to pursue languages in their
future studies, increasing future opportunities to study and/or work abroad.

As part of the National Curriculum, all Key Stage 2 pupils must now learn another
language in school time. At St Nicholas Priory Primary school we have chosen to
teach Spanish to all children in KS2.

Aims and Objectives

● Understand and respond to spoken and written language from a variety of authentic sources
● Speak with increasing confidence, fluency and spontaneity, finding ways of communicating what they want to say, including through discussion and asking questions, and continually improving the accuracy of their pronunciation and intonation
● Write at varying lengths, for different purposes and audiences, using the variety of grammatical structures that they have learnt
● Discover and develop an appreciation of a range of writing in the language studied.

Delivery of lessons

Spanish is taught across KS2 by their class teachers, where each lesson focuses on a combination of the 5 key language learning skills (speaking, listening, reading, writing and grammar).

Our school follows the Language Angels scheme, which provides a range of interactive PowerPoints, which include characters from a range of cultural backgrounds, songs and games as well as differentiated activities, making it suitable and enjoyable for all children across all year groups.

Children can access their account from home, in case they would like to continue to improve their Spanish skills as well as the Language Angels app, which is readily available for the whole school.

Assessment of Pupil Learning & Progression

Two forms of assessment are available at the end of every Language Angels unit:

1. Peer and self-assessment ‘I can do…’ grids. A quick and easy way for all pupils in the class to record which units they have completed and the progress they are making.

2. More detailed skills based assessments using bespoke skills assessment worksheets. This form of assessment enables us to determine the learning and progression of all pupils in the key language learning skills as well as monitoring their progress against the 12 attainment targets stipulated in the DfE Languages Programme of Study for Key Stage 2.

Language days

Our school celebrates key dates, for example, European languages day and Mother language day to continue to extend our children’s knowledge about other countries and cultures.

Young interpreters

We have recently enrolled in the ‘Young interpreters scheme’, where children across KS1 and KS2 are trained to support any children who arrive at our school and are new to English. This has transformed the pupils’ views that they should only speak in English and allowed them to embrace their culture and language and feel as important as a native speaker.

Our Young interpreters have the opportunity to use their bilingual skills to support other pupils, who are new to English; as well as, support our parents whose first language is not English and may struggle to communicate their needs and promote a range of languages in our school, by speaking up in our assemblies. This inspires others to take pride in their home language and others to want to learn a new