


The aims of music education are to:

  • enable each child to grow musically at their own level and pace;
  • foster musical responsiveness;
  • develop awareness and appreciation of organised sound patterns;
  • develop instrumental and vocal skills;
  • develop a sensitive, analytical and critical response to music;
  • develop awareness and understanding of musical traditions, styles and cultures from other times and places;
  • foster enjoyment of all aspects of music.



  • To ensure that pupils develop and practise the main musical skills and concepts in a progressive way.
  • To develop pupils’ ability to perform and compose with understanding.
  • To allow practical work to enhance understanding.
  • To allow pupils to experience a wide range of music in order for them to develop their listening and appraisal skills
  • To develop knowledge of musical history and a variety of other musical traditions and spiritual awareness – experiences which may not be verbalised



Music is taught as part of expressive Arts and Design in the Early years Foundation Stage.

In Years 1- 6 Music is taught as a subject within a project based curriculum or as a stand-alone subject. As a Church school in order to enhance our worship and to support the Music Curriculum, singing occurs on a weekly basis.

Extra-curricular activities are available in School e.g. choir, instrumental ensemble, keyboard club, as well as instrumental lessons in piano/keyboard and woodwind.


Planning is used to set clear and achievable goals, ensure work is matched to pupils’ abilities, experience and interests, ensure progression, continuity and subject coverage throughout the school.  For most year groups the planning format comes from both the ‘Charanga’ and ‘Sparkyard’ music resources which reflects the new National Curriculum’s stated Purpose of Study and Aims for Music. 

A composer and work from the ‘BBC Ten Pieces’ are also set weekly to listen to and explore.



At the end of each half-term assessment records must be completed.  Any examples of work, including photographic evidence or recordings and videos, should be passed to the Music Subject Leader. 



Music gives us an ideal opportunity for making links outside school. We have good links with GYSMA (Great Yarmouth Schools; Music Association) taking part, alongside other local schools, with events such as ‘Festival of Carols’. This event spans 2 evening performances and involves over 300 voices from Primary and Secondary Schools as well as Academies and Colleges. Some of our pupils also take part in ‘Summer Serenade’ concert which features pupils from Key Stage 2 and upwards. These concerts are enjoyed by full audiences. We hold regular concerts at the Great Yarmouth Minster and our Song School choir have also performed at their Christmas Civic Services too.