About Us


P.E at St Nicholas Priory Primary School

Statement of Intent

St. Nicholas Priory aims to provide opportunities for pupils to become physically confident in a way that supports their health and fitness. At the school, we offer pupils the opportunity to compete in sports and other activities, in order to help build character and embrace values such as fairness and respect. P.E. (Physical Education) lessons are taught with the following aims in mind:


  1. Meet the requirements of the national curriculum
  2. Inspire children to nurture a healthy attitude to lifestyle
  3. Encourage physical activity and exercise
  4. Build self-esteem, courage, confidence and resilience
  5. Provide all pupils with access to the lesson
  6. Develop pupils’ academic, social and physical ability
  7. Encourage a positive attitude, compassion and respect amongst pupils
  8. Promote and celebrate both teamwork and cooperation amongst pupils



P.E. and school sport are a very important part of life at St. Nicholas Priory C.E.V.A. Primary School. We believe that P.E. and school sport contribute to the holistic development of our children, and through participation, our children build and learn more about our key values such as respect, responsibility, collaboration, aspiration & achievement for themselves and others.

Our goal is that all pupils, on leaving St Nicholas Priory, will be physically literate and have the knowledge, skills and motivation necessary to equip them for a healthy lifestyle and lifelong participation in physical activity and sport.


We aim to promote the development of P.E. and sport in our school in the following ways:-

  • Qualified sports coaches to work with our children allowing them to experience a broad range of games, and encourage them to engage with physical activity both in school and at specialist sport facilities
  • Access a variety of non-traditional sports, for example rock-climbing, boxing and paddle-boarding
  • Purchase quality professional training to work alongside teachers and improve teaching skills
  • Access to off-site sporting events, such as competitions, through the use of minibuses and coaches
  • Use off-site sports facilities to challenge the most-able children
  • Provide quality sporting equipment to engage children with physical activity throughout lessons
  • Improve the external areas of the school, for example playground markings, to encourage children to participate in games during their free time



Chief Medical Officer for England states that all children. should be active for 60 minutes per day.


No matter what or where you come from, if youwork hard at something, you can achieve it.
Mo Farah