Church School
Spirituality is a natural aspect of everyday life at St Nicholas Priory. We believe that all of our children are on a spiritual journey as well as an academic journey and need to be nurtured and show the path to encourage well rounded spiritual beings.
We believe this is an ongoing process and takes all of us on different journeys throughout our lives. Spirituality is about becoming more aware of your own natural spirituality and not trying to be ‘more spiritual’. Our approach to spirituality enables children to develop into adults being about to tackle the ups and downs of everyday life and respect and appreciate the world and those around them whilst not being afraid of questioning how they see the world.
Spirituality Wellbeing | Knowledge Aspect | How do we encourage spirituality? |
Myself |
Others |
| · Working with and raising money for charities · Collective worships · Celebration assemblies · Curriculum subjects and activities · Half termly values · Prayer space · Community links- project outcomes and links with local groups · Creating links with parents to encourage a home/school partnership · Children can conduct themselves appropriately amongst each other · Discussion of real world events and news |
World |
Beyond |
Spirituality within our Curriculum
Within each curriculum subject area we promote spirituality. Here are some examples of how we promote this across the curriculum areas.
Subject | How do we encourage spirituality across the curriculum? |
Maths |
Literacy/Reading |
Science |
PE |
RE |
Creative Learning (DT, ART, Geography, History, fine motor skills, learning through play, music) |
Collective Worship |
Around the school |
Spirituality across the Key Stages
We are keen for spirituality progression within the school and although spirituality occurs through a natural process for each child below is an example of how the progression of spirituality through our spirituality wellbeing headings may occur.
EYFS | KS1 | Lower KS2 (Year 3 & 4) | Upper KS2 (Year 5 & 6) | |
Myself | · I can understand what makes me happy, sad, angry and excited · I know what I like to do and what things and people mean the most to me · I know what I am good at doing · I am growing confidence | · I know who I am and where I have come from · I am starting to get self-worth and appreciation · I know what is right and wrong · I am starting to make decisions for my own actions and understanding my responsibilities both inside and outside of school · I am understanding that what I enjoy doing has a connection with my happiness · I am understanding how to deal with success, failure, disappointment and joy | · I am understanding I have a plethora of feelings · I understand that I have a options of making right and wrong decisions · I am starting to notice what my surroundings are like and how this influences me as a person and my decisions · I have started to identify important people who influence me as a person within my life and decide on which type of person I would like to be · I understand that love and happiness are important · I have started to understand the concept of belief · I understand I am a unique person
| · I have developed an understanding of respect for myself and my things · I am understanding my identify further, who I am, where I am from, where I am and what I like ae all more important to who I am becoming. · I am identifying what makes me happy; people, belongings, success? · I have a greater awareness of how I am seen by others and their opinions. · I am starting to shape my inner self · I am expressing myself and my beliefs through my relationships with others. · I can express my opinions well. . |
Others | · I am learning what makes a good friend and that people are important to me · I am starting to understand that different people make me feel differently and I enjoy some peoples company more than others. · I have a sense of care and responsibility towards my friends and family. · I understand that others do not always agree with me and my actions · I have an open mind and work well with most people · I can enjoy celebrations | · I understand that some people area treated badly and even bullied and can reflect on my own actions · I can show many feelings towards people such as compassion, kindness and helpfulness · I can listen to others views · I can work well with people from different backgrounds and who have different views · I am starting to forgive others for their actions | · I have started to question why people ignore others when they need help, why people hurt each other and how feelings can be hurt · I can understand that people who we do not know need help from others and that this may be my responsibility · I have respect for others and their opinions and values · I start to understand hope and trust | · I question selfishness · I question the quality of lives for people around the world · I am questioning the values of people and the concept of good and bad people · I am considering what is important to work for and the idea of fairness · I have a growing empathy for people · I understand it is important to make meaningful relationships · I can understand the suffering, pain, loss and failure of myself and others |
World | · I have awe and wonder about the world · I love to ask questions and investigate new things · I understand what I do and don’t like about the world I live in (colours, sounds, weather etc) · I know what makes me scared · I can react with excitement instantly to things that amaze me · I have a sense of mystery · I like to ask questions · I have an open mindedness to life | · I can discuss the world in detail and my opinions about it · I can identify things I love and dislike about the world giving reason · I can explain what I do to help/damage the world · I understand what impact nature has on us · I can respond to stimuli and explain my thoughts and feelings · I can see beauty relating to man-made and the natural world things · I am curious and inquisitive | · I can ask abstract questions such as How do we know we’ve found all the colours in the world? What season do you feel most reflects your personality What is the difference between hearing and listening? Should we try to tame nature? What does it mean that beauty is in the eye of the beholder? What would it be like without seasons? · I can understand and give meaning to new, exciting, wonderful things · I have care and consideration towards nature · I value nature and creation | · I can ask complex questions such asWhat is a perfect world? Why is there ugliness in the world? · I can give an emotional response to stimuli and begin to articulate this from a personal perspective. · I am developing appreciation that some things don’t have answers. · I ask big questions about life and the world |
Beyond | · I ask questions such as What are the stars for? Why do we have rainbows? How big is the sky? What is the smallest thing there is? Why are people different? What does God look like? · I have the confidence to ask questions that have no answers. | · I ask questions such as where is God? What might heaven be like? Is there such a thing as an angel? If you can’t see something, is it still real? What is true happiness? When have you experienced moments of awe and wonder? · I have a sense of enjoyment in devising and discussing questions that have no answer. · I use imagination to interpret responses to big questions. · I have a concept of god · I participate in worship | · I ask unanswerable questions such as what is the purpose of the earth? Is God alive now? Why is there illness? Why do destructive things, like earthquakes, have to happen? Which is stronger – love or hate? Is it good that scientists can’t explain everything? Why are there religions? What is beyond the universe? · I understand what big questions are. · I am able to explain imaginative responses to questions of meaning. · I have started to have faith in religion | · I ask difficult questions such as do we come back after death as a different being? Is there life after death? Where do our spirits go when we are dead? Do we have a soul? If so, what happens to it after death? Why do we love? What lasts forever? What is unknowable? What else is there to discover? How do we know what we don’t know? What is worth dying for? · I can generate big questions. · I have begun to express through a personal vocabulary responses to questions of meaning. · I have begun to be able to use critical reasoning in responding to a big question · I have started to understand the meaning outside of everyday life · I understand that there is more to life than meets the eye |
School Partnerships: Sheringham Teaching School, GY7 cluster of schools.
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