Church School
The RE curriculum at St Nicholas Priory is designed to enable progressive learning throughout the year groups covering a variety of religions in an inter linking way that enables the pupils to learn about other religions and cultures whilst reflecting on their own beliefs. In September 2020 the new Norfolk Agreed Syllabus was introduced from Year 1 to Year 6.
The units build upon the previous units as the years progress to enable maximum impact on the learners learning and allowing for deeper thinking and higher level questioning.
Each half term pupils focus on a question based topic that encourages exploration and allows allow pupils to gather their own thoughts and feelings drawn upon their day to day lives, own cultural influences and the learning that talks place in the classroom.
RE is taught using three disciplines; Philosophy, Theology and Human and Social Sciences. This approach enables our students to have a broad understanding of RE and the world around them.
Each year covers at least 50% Christianity, as set out in the Statement of Entitlement, with many units focusing on Christianity and most other units referring to Christianity. RE is at least 5% of the timetable and taught either as a weekly lesson or focused RE afternoons or days depending on the year group.
“Our RE curriculum is designed to embed and develop the three areas of Theology, Philosophy and Human and Social sciences across the phases ensuring development and progress allowing for maximum impact”
Miss Walsh, Year 2 Teacher
School Partnerships: Sheringham Teaching School, GY7 cluster of schools.
If you would like a paper copy (free of charge) of any of the information on our school’s website please contact the school office.
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