About Us


Governors at St Nicholas Priory Primary

The governors at St Nicholas Priory CE VA Primary School are drawn from the Church, parents, and the wider community and see to ensure that the school provides the best possible education for our young people.

Our current governors are list below. Further information about their attendance, declarations of interest and committee memberships to available using the links to the right.

Name Governor type Term from Term to Roles
Mrs Rebekah Allen Parent governor 07-Oct-20 06-Oct-24 Year 3
Mrs Beverlee Bolton-Debbage Foundation governor 24-Nov-22 23-Nov-26 Year 1 Relationships and Sex Education
Mrs Maria Grimmer Headteacher Headteacher
Mr Arthur Hollis Foundation governor ( Parish Church Council ) 14-Sep-20 13-Sep-24 Year 5 Pupil Premium
Chloe Lawrence Associate Member Business Manager
Mrs Susan Miller Co-opted governor 07-Nov-20 06-Nov-24
Maddie Bickley Local Authority Governor 06-Jul-23 05-Jul-27
Mrs Justine Petersen Clerk Clerk
Miss Jennifer Ray Staff governor 28-Sep-20 27-Sep-24
Donna Bird Foundation governor 14-Jun-23 13-Jun-27
Dr Harry Taylor Foundation governor ( Diocesan Board ) 21-May-18 22-May-26 Chair Sports Premium Year 4
Mike Ward Co-opted governor 31-Jan-22 30-Jan-26 Attendance Reception SEND safeguarding LAC Curriculum Overview
Revd Simon Ward Foundation governor 18-Jul-22 17-Jul-26 Year 2 SIAMs/Christian Ethos
Cllr James Wright Foundation governor ( Diocesan Board ) 01-Sep-20 31-Aug-24 ViceChair Year 6 Cyber Security

Chair of Governors Dr Harry Taylor can be contacted via email h.taylor@priorygy.school