Global Neighbours
During the Spring term of 2023 we achieved the Bronze Global Neighbour award showing our commitment to become global citizens through our outward looking approach to serving others in the school, local community and wider world.
We aim to be global citizens and agents of change through our constant exploration of how we can help to change the world through our actions. This includes exploring poverty and injustice in current world issues and issues that affect us.
Global Neighbours has allowed us to identify our global themes across the curriculum, develop understanding of injustice and equality within RE and delve into issues in our Collective Worships which allows for us to continually ask children ‘What will you do about it?’. This leads to real world pupil led action such as collecting for the RSPCA to help poverty stricken families, fundraising using our local market place to help those suffering in Ukraine and working with a local pathway cafe to help those in need.
Within our curriculum we explore themes such as deforestation through the study of books such as Tree Lady, Inequality though Malala’s Magic pencil and Philosophical and human themes with RE questions such as is it Ever right to use Violence? The use of themes of injustice and equality run through the curriculum across all year groups developing children’s understanding of the world and building upon it each year.
Being a Church of England school we have chosen the philosophically rooted value of ‘I come to serve not to be served’ as the heart of our ethos. This feeds into our values of aspiration, hope, service, trust, forgiveness and love with the overarching value of kindness. Within our Collective Worship plan we include Unicef Assemblies to empower children with the knowledge of wider world issues such as World Water Day. We also include picture news within our Collective Worship led by our RE Leaders team.
How have we shown courageous advocacy?
We empower every child in the school to be agents of change as well as having many groups and committees that have specific aims. These include the following; Priory Parliament, Eco Squad, Community Heroes and RE Leaders. Although these groups are a pivotal part of our school, all children have an opportunity to express their ideas and concerns to Mrs Grimmer, the head teacher, to become agents of change.
Examples of work achieved by these groups :
School Partnerships: Sheringham Teaching School, GY7 cluster of schools.
If you would like a paper copy (free of charge) of any of the information on our school’s website please contact the school office.
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